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ABUSE TRAINING POLICYEvery Virginia Valor FC staff member engaged in coaching is required by the league (NCSL, ECNL RL, EDP, CCL) and governing soccer bodies (VYSA, US Club Soccer) to be up to date on sexual abuse training. These organizations use a third-party certification company to complete the training. The third-party company is SafeSport (formally KIDSAFE) and does yearly courses all coaches must complete.
ANTI-BULLYING/PLAYER MISCONDUCT POLICYVirginia Valor FC Club (VAVFC) is committed to providing players a fun, positive, and secure environment in which to learn and enjoy the game of soccer. We do not tolerate bullying at any practice, game, or other VAVFC sanctioned events. We will promote a TELLING atmosphere. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is taking place is expected to report the incident. Players and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported. Definition of Bullying/Player Misconduct Bullying is defined as conduct, gestures or comments which are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or otherwise offensive to a player, group of players and/or teammates, and which create a hostile or intimidating environment, or which negatively affects a player’s physical and/or emotional well-being. Bullying is any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it is a single incident or a series of incidents that results in intentional pain and distress to the victim. Signs and Symptoms A child may indicate he or she is being bullied through various signs and symptoms. While some children are prone to report bullying to their parents, coaches or adults, others will not, due to fear, intimidation, or other factors. Coaches and parents should be aware of possible signs indicating that bullying may be taking place. These signs and behaviors could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated. Procedures for Parents, Coaches, and our Directors Parents should report bullying incidents to the team coach or coaching director. If the problem persists, reach out to the Virginia Valor FC coaching director or executive director. If necessary and appropriate, police may be consulted. In all cases of reported bullying, parents of the player who was bullied shall be informed immediately and may be asked to meet with the respective team coach and/or coaching director to discuss the incident. In all cases, strict confidentiality shall be maintained. It is not our goal to make a public example of reported incidents. The negative behavior must be investigated, and the bullying stopped immediately. The parents of any player who is reported to be bullying will be contacted immediately by the respective team coach, coaching director, or executive Director and asked to meet to discuss the incident to help the bully or bullies change their behavior. Consequences of Bullying In a first offense situation involving bullying, an attempt will be made to encourage the bully (or bullies) to modify their behavior for their benefit, for the benefit of the person bullied, and for the team. An attempt will be made by the coach, director, or parent(s) to reconcile the situation between players (age and level of maturity and or severity of offense must be considered). If the bullying persists, disciplinary action against a player may be taken by the team coach and/or coaching director which may include, but is not limited to, immediate suspension from participation in practices or game(s) for a period of time. After the incident/incidents have been investigated and addressed, the situation will continue to be monitored by the respective team coach, coaching director, and players’ parents to ensure the problem is resolved.
ATTENDANCE POLICYVirginia Valor FC (VAVFC) players are expected to attend practice; however, we understand that certain scheduling conflicts may make attendance at a given practice impossible. This policy is designed to address the process for missing practice and making it up. In the end, it is the responsibility of the players and parents to communicate with their child’s head coach and director clearly and early to avoid any confusion regarding playing time or the player’s standing within the team. It is the policy of VAVFC for the head coach and director to record attendance at every practice. U7-U10 Age Groups Attendance will be taken in these age groups; however, VAVFC does not discourage players from participating in an additional sport or activity, even during the season. Any player missing practice is encouraged to attend a training session on another date with another team. Communication between the parents, coach, and technical staff is critical when attending a makeup session. A player should not show up to another session without confirmation from the staff. A player may see a reduction in playing time when his/her practice time is less than that of his/her teammates. U11-U12 Age Groups Players in these age groups playing multiple sports must understand that attendance at practices and games with a VAVFC team is not optional! Players missing practice for illness, school, church, or family are expected to make up those sessions. Communication between the parents, coach, and staff is critical when attending a makeup session. A player should not show up to another session without confirmation from the staff. Please do not simply show up to another session as they could be moved or canceled without notice. A player will see a reduction in playing time when his/her practice time is less than that of his/her teammates. U13-U18 Age Groups Attendance at all practices/games is required, except in the case of illness or pre-approved by staff family/school function. All missed practices are expected to be made up by attending training with another team on another day/time. It is the responsibility of the player to communicate which makeup session he/she is attending. Players on a U15-U18 White/Black/Silver team who wish to participate in a second activity/sport, is permitted to do so. It is the discretion of the staff to approve any such requests and important to note that players will not be rewarded for not attending practice. In no situation is it acceptable for Gold level players to miss any State Cup, ECNL-RL, or Regional Tournament games!
COACHES CODE OF ETHICSOverview This Code of Coaching Ethics has been developed to clarify and define standards of professional, ethical, and moral behavior from coaches affiliated with Virginia Valor FC. Responsibilities to Players: Coaches shall not place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Coaches shall instruct players to always play within the Laws of the Game and within the spirit of the game. Coaches shall not seek unfair advantage by teaching unsporting behavior to players. Coaches shall not encourage, condone, or tolerate inappropriate behavior from players in any situation. Coaches shall not encourage players to violate any Law of the Game, or any rule of competition established by Virginia Valor FC. Coaches shall not encourage, condone, or permit any player to violate any bylaw, rule, or policy of Virginia Valor FC. Coaches shall not discourage, deter, or deny players the right of advancement to participate in training or competition at a higher level within Virginia Valor FC. Coaches shall direct players to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow instructions received from health care professionals regarding treatment and rehabilitation. Responsibility to Opponents: Coaches shall afford opponents the respect expected by the Laws of Game and the spirit of Virginia Valor FC /VYSA/US Club Soccer competition. Coaches shall not encourage, condone, or permit any player to engage in conduct with the intent of causing injury to an opponent. Coaches shall not engage in any physical or verbal confrontation with any opposing player, coach, or supporter. Responsibilities to the Game: Coaches shall be aware of the Laws of the Game and shall adhere to the letter and spirit of the Laws of the Game. Coaches shall provide instruction to players on the meaning and application of the Laws of the Game. Coaches shall accept the responsibilities of team leadership and shall be accountable for the conduct of the players, team officials, and spectators affiliated with their teams. Responsibilities to Officials: Coaches shall extend respect and courtesy to match and competition officials. Coaches shall not incite players, team officials, or spectators into conduct towards officials that is contrary to the Laws of the Game. Coaches shall not make demeaning or derogatory comments or gestures directed towards any official. Coaches shall use their influence and authority to deter inappropriate conduct by spectators towards officials and opponents. Coaches shall employ only methods authorized by the Laws of the Game, the rules of the competition, or the policies of Virginia Valor FC to pursue review of decisions by match or competition officials. Responsibilities Regarding Recruiting: Coaches shall comply with rules and policies pertaining to registration and player recruitment. Coaches shall not engage in any recruiting activity intended to move Virginia Valor FC Member Players to another club. Coaches shall not solicit or encourage the transfer of a Virginia Valor FC Team to another club. Coaches shall not knowingly, recklessly, or negligently misrepresent or defame programs in Virginia Valor FC with the intent to recruit Virginia Valor FC Players to another club or another team within Virginia Valor FC. Coaches shall cease and desist from any and all recruiting activity directed toward a player upon request from the player or the player's legal guardian. Coaches shall not allow any surrogate to engage in recruiting activities prohibited by the Code of Coaching Ethics (including parents, players, friends, etc...).
CONCUSSION AWARENESS POLICYEvery Virginia Valor FC staff member engaged in coaching is required by the league (NCSL, ECNL RL, EDP, CCL) and governing soccer bodies (VYSA, US Club Soccer) to be up to date on concussion awareness/training/protocols. These organizations use a third-party certification company to complete the training. ALL Virginia Valor FC Coaches are trained for concussion awareness.
COVID POLICYVirginia Valor FC adheres to all Fairfax County Health Departments and CDC procedures and polices. Please refer to for more information.
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION POLICYVirginia Valor FC recognizes that the internet, social media, and other electronic communication tools such as text messaging have become prevalent and effective means of personal and professional communication. However, we DO NOT recommend our Coaches and/or Trainers to participate in such communication directly with Virginia Valor FC Players (U4-U19). This recommendation applies to all Virginia Valor FC Coaches and/or Trainers regardless of payment status or team level. Virginia Valor FC employees are directly prohibited from engaging in social networking with Virginia Valor FC Players unless using an approved Virginia Valor FC social networking forum. Specific Recommended Guidelines All Coach and/or Trainer communication with players must go through the TeamSnap. (Players can be added to their TeamSnap account to communicate directly with their coach. For directions on how to add the player click here.) In the event that an electronic message or phone call is required, the call should go directly to the parent, not the player. Personal websites (team and/or player) using the Virginia Valor FC logo/image/likeness must be approved by the Virginia Valor FC Director of Operations prior to public display. Always assume you are representing Virginia Valor FC. If you wouldn’t say it in face-to-face conversation, don’t communicate it via social networking. Steer clear of engaging in dialogue that is disparaging of Virginia Valor FC or our competitors. Any violation of these guidelines could result in a range of consequences, including, but not limited to, suspension or dismissal from Virginia Valor FC.
FUNDRAISING POLICYProcedures Governing Team Account Fundraising All Team Fundraising activities must be approved, in advance, by the Valor Director of Operations. The Team Manager, on any fundraising ideas, will first contact the Valor Fundraising Coordinator or designee to determine if there are any conflicts with existing fundraising ideas. The TM will then submit a summary of the fundraising activity along with explanation of how funds will be received to the INFO@VIRGINIAVALORFC.ORG email account with subject line – Valor Fundraising. All funds from the Team Fundraising must be deposited into the Valor Team account. No outside accounts (slush funds, pizza accounts, etc.) permitted. All cash must be presented to the Valor office in a sealed envelope with two persons initials on a count of the cash, the team’s name, team managers name and the coaches name. Any gift cards received as part of any fundraising are to be presented to the Valor office in a sealed envelope with two persons initials on gift card details, the team’s name, team managers name and the coaches name. The Valor Director of Operations will work with the Valor Board of Directors on the handling of those gift cards. The Valor Administrator will document and manage all funds in the Team Account according to these procedures. The Valor Administrator will perform a reconciliation of each Team Account quarterly and provide copies to each Team Manager, the Valor Director of Operations and post to BOX for documentation. Any monies not used at the close of each team seasons end, will be transferred to the Valor General Fund as a donation.
GUEST PLAYING POLICYIt is the desire and policy of Virginia Valor FC (VAVFC) to provide every opportunity possible for players to train and play competitive games. We respect and appreciate the desire of each individual player to compete and have fun. Our schedules, based on a Fall and Spring season, allow players to get the reward of a game and provides for the appropriate rest necessary for players to always perform at their optimum levels. Within those parameters, VAVFC has implemented the following guest playing policy. Guest Playing Within the Club Obviously, this is the preferred option to exercise when seeking any guest playing opportunities. Each of our teams will play 3 – 5 tournaments a year (Aug – June) and participate in at least one (1) league. Not all of these tournaments and leagues are the same for all teams, thus providing numerous chances for players to get an extra game within our Club. If you would like to guest play and your team is not playing in any one particular league, tournament or showcase, the player and parent should contact the respective Director who will contact the Executive Director to inquire about the possibility of approval for guest playing. Keep in mind that as players get hurt, sick, or travel with family, DoCs will always be looking within VAVFC for players to complement a team and to help them in any one game/event. Purpose of Guest Playing: Team Sufficiency: Guest players should be used to ensure a team has enough players to participate in a game, particularly when regular players are unavailable due to injury or illness. Player Development: Allowing guest players to join higher-tier teams can offer them exposure to more competitive environments, fostering their growth and development. Limitations on Guest Player Participation: Playing Time: Guest players should not take significant playing time away from regular rostered players. Playing Time Equality: Guest players should not play more minutes than regular rostered players unless there are extenuating circumstances, such as injuries or illnesses. Approval and Documentation: Coaching Approval: Coaches should obtain approval from the appropriate Director of Coaching before allowing a player to guest play with another team. Documentation: Ensure all necessary paperwork and permissions are completed in advance to comply with club and league regulations. Frequency and Duration: Occasional Use/to Semi-Regular Use: Guest playing should be an occasional solution to specific situations, not a regular practice. In some instances we will ask players to train and guest play on a more regular basis. That is solely up to the Coach and Director of Coaching. Duration: Limit the number of games a guest player participates in to maintain team cohesion and player development focus, unless it is a regular guest player joining on a more informal basis. Guest Playing With Another Club/Team We understand that everyone wants to play as much as possible. We also understand that many of us have friends in other clubs. Again, although we do our very best to give players every opportunity possible to play, we also provide them with ample rest and recovery time. Many times when a player wants to guest play with another club or team it is at the expense of this rest. The one stipulation that VAVFC has with guest playing for another Club is that no VAVFC player can guest play for another team that is playing a VAVFC team. Given that, VAVFC will allow players to guest play provided the following occurs at least one week prior to the event. The player and family ask the appropriate DoC about playing. Prior to asking, the player and family need to ensure that their VAVFC team is not playing that weekend. DoCs will not allow you to guest play within our club or outside of it if your team has a game/tournament that weekend. The coach of the other team (not PA) must contact the appropriate DoC to ask permission. Lastly, no VAVFC Parent Administrator will directly hand any player/family their player card if they have not completed the above two steps. The Player card will be checked-out for 72 hours. Guest playing with another team can be a great experience for the player and can help a team that is in a tough situation. But, given certain Ohio South Youth Soccer and Kentucky Youth Soccer Association rules concerning the number of games a player can play and our philosophy on player development, we do our best to provide the best ratio of training to games possible. For any questions regarding the Guest Playing Policy, you may contact your Director of Coaching.
HARRASSMENT POLICYVirginia Valor FC disapproves of sexual and other harassment of any employee whether it is by a co-worker, a manager, a guest, a member, or a vendor. Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexual or racial jokes, racial-ethnic slurs, and other harassing language or conduct have no place in our business. In addition, the physical conduct of a sexual nature will not be tolerated. It is expected that employees will treat each other with respect for their dignity. Sexual or other harassment, by any employee, can be grounds for immediate termination. Sexual, racial, or ethnic harassment is a form of discrimination and is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Generally, sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests of sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (a) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; (b) submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual.
NON-SOLICITATION POLICYIt is the policy of Virginia Valor FC (VAVFC) to prohibit solicitation and/or distribution on its “premises” or through any electronic media without the expressed written approval of the VAVFC Board of Directors. “Premises” is construed liberally and includes any facility at which VAVFC teams train or practice, participate in matches, or otherwise meet for VAVFC purposes. Virginia Valor FC limits solicitation and distribution on its premises or through any electronic media because, when left unrestricted, such activities can interfere with the normal operations of VAVFC, can be detrimental to efficiency, can be annoying, and can pose a threat to the reputation of VAVFC. All persons are prohibited from soliciting funds or signatures; conducting membership drives; posting; distributing literature or gifts; offering to sell or to purchase merchandise or services; or engaging in any other solicitation, distribution, or similar activity on VAVFC premises or to VAVFC members unless written approval is provided by the Board of Directors in advance of any such solicitation or distribution. The sale of merchandise is limited to VAVFC-sponsored uniform and spirit wear partners as well as VAVFC-sponsored events. All other sales of merchandise is prohibited. Also, all persons are prohibited from using the VAVFC name, tournament names, or logos (or derivation of) to promote their own solicitation. All persons are not to forward any e-mail or other electronic communications or solicitations unless directed by the Board of Directors.
STAFF BACKGROUND CHECK POLICYEvery Virginia Valor FC staff member is required by Virginia Valor FC, the league (NCSL, ECNL RL, EDP, CCL) and governing soccer bodies (VYSA, US Club Soccer) to have a background check completed. The background checks must be complete for staff to be employed with Virginia Valor FC and to be eligible to coach within the league.
TOURNAMENT HOTEL POLICYWhy do we have to stay at certain hotels for two nights? It has been common practice for many years for clubs hosting tournaments to require clubs applying to their tournaments to stay at selected hotels. Many clubs have different reasons for doing this however, the main reason is to generate increased revenue for the tournament. When Virginia Valor FC travels to a tournament such as The Jefferson Cup, we are obligated (by the rules and policies of the host club) to follow the housing rules and policies. All applications are contingent on the host tournaments housing rules. The hosting club (eg. Richmond) will create policies such as usage of certain hotels and two night minimums. These are not rules created by Virginia Valor FC. These are rules created by the hosting club of the tournament. Virginia Valor FC does not create these tournament policies for the tournaments we go to, however we do have to abide by them. The only Hotel policy that Virginia Valor FC enforces is that we will follow the rules and policies of each specific tournament. What happens if we do not follow the Tournament Hotel Policies? All application acceptances at tournaments that have hotel policies are contingent on use of approved hotels. If a host club uses a hotel housing service, then the housing service will alert the host club resulting in not being accepted or having the acceptances revoked. Here is a note that one of our teams received a few years ago when they tried to go outside the hotel process. Tournaments that use in-House Services will ask teams at registration for hotel information. They will then follow up with hotels. Again, those teams that go outside of policy will not be invited back to the tournament the following year. Who is in charge of securing the hotel rooms? The role of the Virginia Valor FC Team Manager is to secure rooms on behalf of Virginia Valor FC families within the policies and procedures that are set forth by the host club of the tournament. At the request of the Directors of Coaching, the Virginia Valor FC Team Manager will first seek to place all families attending said tournament together in one hotel. The number of teams attending any given tournament will determine what hotel is selected. Some hotels cannot accommodate very large numbers of room requests. For tournaments where we send a smaller number of teams, we have greater latitude on the number of hotels that can accommodate our room requests. Do we need to give Credit Card information? This process is not any different than if you were to book your own hotel reservations when you travel on vacation. Hotels require credit cards to secure a guest room. They will not charge the card (which is the reason you have to provide a credit card upon registration). We need to provide the hotels/services with that information. We have developed a process that is secure.
WEATHER POLICYWinter Weather Guidelines (based on "Feels Like" temp): 0-25F or below: ALL outdoor sessions canceled 0-30F or below: U9-U12 outdoor sessions canceled 25F-30F and up: U13+ outdoor sessions at the discretion of the coach 30F and up: ALL outdoor sessions ON Summer Weather Guidelines (based on "Feels Like/Heat Index" temp): 105F or above: ALL outdoor sessions canceled 96F-104F: U13+ outdoor sessions at the discretion of the coach 100F or above: U9-U12 outdoor sessions canceled 96F-99F – U9-U12 outdoor sessions at the discretion of the coach 95F and below: ALL outdoor sessions ON with frequent water breaks *THUNDER & LIGHTENING REQUIRE IMMIDIATE EXIT OFF THE FIELD AND A MINIMUM OF 30 MINUTES MUST PASS WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL LIGHTENING OR THUNDER. *TURF FIELDS ARE ALWAYS CLOSED IF THERE IS ANY SNOW OR ICE. *GRASS FIELD CLOSURES WILL BE ISSUED BY 3 PM AFTER RAIN - MAY CLOSE ONE OR ALL FIELDS- VIA PLAYMETRICS.
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